22 | Happy Shipuary! A Collection of Lovey Dovey Fanfic! (Part 1)

For Valentine’s Day, we wanted to collect and share another batch of fanfic centred around, you guessed it, love! Enjoy the first 4 of 7 lovely fic!

Content/Trigger Warnings

18 | Happy Shipmas! A Compilation of Festive Fic (Part 1)

Happy Shipmas! For this episode, we are reading a collection of winter/holiday themed fanfic submitted by YOU! This was nearly a 3-hour episode, so we’ve broken it up into 2! Enjoy our first batch of fantastic fic!

  • Under the Mistletoe by Drarry_Quite_Contrary (GreenMegsNoHam)
  • Beautiful the rose that in your garden is by porcelainsalt (bluedreaming)
  • some love was made for the lights by wheezykat | art by baboosk art
  • A Very Sqoasty Christmas by Julianna (PuffCast)
  • Bonus: Christmas of ’98 (A One-Shot) by the Author
  • the proposal (that almost wasn’t) by Evening12
  • The Pink Prank by danpuff

Content/Trigger Warnings

Bonus Song: Twelve Days of Shipmas by DreamQuaffle

Enjoy this AMAZING song written for us by DreamQuaffle!! Happy Shipmas, everyone! DreamQuaffle (Geoff Skelington Hutton)

Content/Trigger Warnings

5 | Hey, Linny! You’re so fine!

Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley

This week we are diving into some femslash! It’s Linny week!! Ginny and Luna make SUCH a beautiful couple and so much in canon supports this ship. Join us as we take a look at the ins and outs of this lovely pairing! (and there may be more singing and definitely excess giggles)

Content/Trigger Warnings
